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Boris Groys on Making Yourself Into Art


Boris Efimovich Groys is an art critic, media theorist, and philosopher.A global distinguished professor of Russian and Slavic studies at New York University, he is the author of “Dream Factory Communism,” “The Total Enlightenment: Conceptual Art in Moscow 1960-1990” and “Becoming an Artwork.” From the book jacket for “Becoming an Artwork”: We are not able to produce our own bodies. Before we begin to practice self-design, we find ourselves already designed by the gaze of others. That is why the practice of self-design mostly takes a critical and confrontational turn. We want to bring others to see us in the way we want to be seen – not only during our earthly life but also after our death. This is a complicated struggle, and the aim of this book is to describe and analyze it. Uncut Interview on Fatal Dates Youtube Channel Fatal Dates Online