Tag: Politics
Neoliberalism or Squishy Totalitarianism: What Period Are We In?
The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy is an outstanding scholarly resource; I speculate that most philosophy professors consult it most weeks. As you might expect, it…
Why the Labour Left is Purged
If you want to know how the ordinary politician will act, look to the state of their interests. They are no different from other persons…
Does the West Have a “Right” to Better Lives Than the Rest?
Some of the rich like to see the world’s poor hurt. This sadistic stance was exposed in a rare mask-off moment at a recent climate…
Why ‘Abundant Material Wealth for All’ Should Be the Title of Your Party’s Manifesto
The Sectarianism & Spectacle of Palestine-Skeptic Marxism
“I do not mean that we should ally ourselves exclusively, or even strategically, with the by now large and incoherent number of small left-wing parties.…