How We Got Here: Melville Plus Nietzsche Divided by the Square Root of (Allan) Bloom Times Žižek [ebook]



RELEASE DATE, September 24, 2024

We Got Here – provocative, accessible, persuasive, and addictive – is a crucial intervention in which David Shields argues that Melville plus Nietzsche divided by the square root of (Allan) Bloom times Žižek (squared) equals Bannon.



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RELEASE DATE, September 24, 2024

Kellyanne Conway, Donald Trump, Rudy Giuliani, Q-Anon, Fox News, etc., etc., etc. have kidnapped the last century of intellectual thought and philosophical investigation: poststructuralism, quantum physics, deconstruction, the current “crisis” in “nonfiction”-journalism- media-“truthiness.” If the perceiver, by his very presence, alters what’s perceived, Steve Bannon, Vladimir Putin, Vladislav Surkov (performance-artist-turned-Putin-strategist), et al. have quite consciously created—are all still quite consciously creating on a day-by-day basis—a universe in which nothing is true and therefore public discourse is, in effect, over. Dominion Voting Systems was founded to rig elections for Hugo Chavez; Italian space lasers modified voting machine data; the FBI staged the January 6 attack: this is a strategy that goes back at least as far as Dostoevsky’s underground man. God is dead, so everything is permitted. Or is it? How We Got Here – provocative, accessible, persuasive, and addictive – is a crucial intervention in which David Shields argues that Melville plus Nietzsche divided by the square root of (Allan) Bloom times Žižek (squared) equals Bannon.